Baikal Stealth .410 Cartridge Test. Which is quietest?
The Eley Fourlongs were by far the quietest in the Baikal Stealth .410
I've tested a number of different .410 cartridges in my Baikal .410 moderated shotgun, in order to find the quietest cartridges.
I've tested:
Eley 2.0, 2.5 & 3.0 inch (super & subsonic).
Lyalvale Express 2.0, 2.5 & 3.0 inch.
Gamebore 2.0, 2.5 & 3.0 inch
Fiocchi 3.0 inch.
The results were interesting. All the cartridges above seem to emit a supersonic crack, except the Eley 3 inch 18gram subsonics and Eley Fourlong 2.5 inch.The 3 inch subsonic cartridges, do not emit a sonic crack, but are still relatively loud compared to the fourlongs.
But by far the quietest were the Eley Fourlong 12.5gram 2.5 inch. These are so quiet that you can hear the hammer of the gun and the shot hitting pigeons. Not as quiet as a moderated 22LR using subsonics, but very quiet.
I took a selection apart to see how much and what type of powder these cartridges contained.
The Eley 2.0 and 2.5 inch contained what looked like the same type of powder. The 2.5 inch Fourlong's contained the least amount of powder.
The Eley 3 inch super & subsonic cartridges contained a very fine fast burning powder, that looked identical. Although the subsonics contained 4.0 grains less powder. I assume this is to reduce the speed of the cartridge, in order to make it subsonic.
The Lyalvale Express 2.5 & 3.0inch contained different powders.