The recipe was by Mike Robinson, taken from a copy of the Field from last year which I have used half a dozen times and is a current favourite of mine.
The haunch is butterflied and then marinated for 1/2 a day using garlic, lemon, chilli, parsley, oregano and olive oil blended together. Grilled on a medium heat for 21 minutes turning every 3 and then rested for a further 10. It produces the most tender and succulent meat that has everyone coming back for more.
The Buck had become interested in a small field of maize which had failed to establish so the farmer had not bothered to harvest it - deer heaven. However, there was a small passage between the field and the adjoining wood which gave me little time to see him as he made his way home.
After an early rise I made my way down to the wood and hid myself in the side of a hedge which gave me full view of the maize field and the adjoining wood. As a frost had fallen and there was a slight mist I least expected to find the Muntjac already out and on his way home post breakfast, so I was extremely suprised when I caught the movement of him to my left hand side.
Typically, like most Muntjac he was not stopping so I quickly got ready on the sticks and then shouted out which was sufficent for him to stop long enough from me to take the shot. He dropped on the spot and I was estatic. After a quick gralloch, I was heading home for breakfast generously rewarded for my efforts.